Volunteer Information
Volunteers are the heart of our program.
The dedication of time and talent of our volunteer corp is what makes Southern Reins such a magical place. We are grateful to each and every one of our volunteers for their contribution to the success of our program, and for joining our Southern Reins' family to help people with disabilities throughout our community.
We offer numerous volunteer opportunities; including direct program support, barn help, equine care, special events, special projects and internships. The benefits of volunteering at Southern Reins are many, and include offering vital help to support our participants, connecting with others and making new friends, and bringing fun and fulfillment to your life while making our community a better place.
For more information about joining us as a volunteer, contact Meredith Massa, Volunteer Coordinator:

Become a Sidewalker
Sidewalkers ensure the safety of our riders; walking beside the horse in lessons and provide physical and/or emotional support. They help the rider to successfully reach their lesson goals, as well as ensure rider safety before, during, and after the lesson. Our goal is to ensure each participant can learn how to ride as independently as possible, and Sidewalkers are assigned based on the ability of each rider to achieve their individual goals.
Sidewalkers must be at least 13 years old and be able to walk and jog beside the horse to support of their rider during the lesson. To ensure consistency and support for each participant, Sidewalkers are encouraged to commit to the same day and time each week for the lesson session.

Become a Horse Leader
Horse Leaders ensure that each horse is groomed, tacked and warmed up prior to the start of each lesson. They help ensure the safety of horse and rider before, during and after the lesson. Horse Leaders also help with untacking and grooming their horse after the lesson.
Horse Leaders must possess a basic understanding of horse behavior and demonstrate horse handling skills and the ability to assess and address horse behavior. Horse Leaders must be at least 13 years old and be able to walk and jog with the horse during the lesson. Prior to handling horses or leading them in a lesson, Horse Leaders must complete a minimum of 4 lessons as a Sidewalker and complete Horse Leader Training.

Become a Barn Volunteer
Volunteers can assist with general barn chores to keep our barn organized. Duties include stall cleaning, tack cleaning, basic equine care, grounds keeping and facility chores. Barn volunteers must be at least 12 years old.

Become an Occupational Therapy incorporating Hippotherapy Volunteer
Southern Reins offers Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy sessions using the motion of the horse in our Hippotherapy program. Volunteers provide support to the client and the therapist during the mounted portion of the session.
Volunteers must complete a minimum of 4 lessons as a Sidewalker and complete specialized Occupational Therapy incorporating Hippotherapy training.

Become an Administrative or Special Event Volunteer
Administrative Volunteers assist with word processing, data entry, reception and general office support. Special Event Volunteers are also needed to serve on event committees and assist with various fundraising events held throughout the year.
Contact us to learn more about becoming an administrative or special event volunteer at Southern Reins. Email Meredith.Massa@southernreins.org.

Corporate, Civic and School Volunteer Groups
Southern Reins is fortunate to have the support of numerous corporate and civic groups for service projects throughout the year. Service projects help us maintain our facility and provide a meaningful and rewarding opportunity to support our program. We also welcome service projects in partnership with organizations like the Eagle Scouts and Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Brownies! Contact us today for more information on special work group projects and service projects.
CLICK HERE to visit our Corporate, Civic and School Group Page.

Southern Reins offers two unpaid internships in the spring, summer and fall. Internships are offered to meet each individuals educational goals. Interns must be at least 18 years of age or older and will have the opportunity to provide hands-on support for our programs and administrative management.
Contact us to learn more about the benefits of an internship at Southern Reins. Email Meredith.Massa@southernreins.org.
CLICK HERE to view and download our Intern Application

To be a program volunteer at Southern Reins, you must meet the following qualifications:

All volunteers must attend a New Volunteer Training session.
Volunteers must be 14 years old and available on a regular basis for riding sessions.
Because working with horses can be potentially dangerous, we ask that all prospective volunteers sign the liability release found in the volunteer packet.
Volunteers must be reasonably fit in order to walk/jog during the lesson and have sufficient strength to assist in mounting riders.